Je zajimave, jak vznikaji nektere rodinne tradice :-) Pred lety jsme udelaly s Eliskou dort pro tatinka. Eliska ho mela u nasich a moc ji chutnal. Je to dort nepeceny a velmi rychly. A od te doby ho delame kazdym rokem. Je to 'tatinkuv narozeninovy dort'
Co je potreba:
- 1 velky bily jogurt
- 1 zakysana smetana
- 1 - 2 pytliky vanilkoveho cukru
- asi 100g cukru - nemusi byt, zalezi na chuti
- 1 a 1/2 pytliku piskotu
- 1 plechovka mandarinek i se stavou nebo kivi....
Smichame jogurt a smetanu a pridame cukr. Vse dukladne promichame. Pripravime si vetsi misu a na dno dame vstvu piskotu a mandarinek. Pak pridame jogurtovou vrstvu. Stridame vrstvy a koncime piskotovou vrstvou. Dame ulezet do lednice alespon na pul dne. Muzeme jeste ozdobit strouhanou cokoladou :-)
It is interesting how some family traditions start. Years ago Eliska and I made this cake for Daniel. Eliska fisrt had it at my parents'house and really liked it. This cake is very quick to make and very easy! And we have been making it for years now. It is 'daddy's birthday cake'.
What you need:
- 1 big plain yoghurt
- 1 soured cream
- 100g sugar
- few drops of vanilla essence
- sponge biscuits/ fingers
- 1 tin of mandarin segments (also use the syrup) or fresh kiwis
Mix the yoghurt, cream and sugar well. Prepare a big-ish bowl and line it with sponge fingers. Add a layer of mandarine segments and yoghurt mixture. Repeat and finish with a layer of sponge fingers. Refrigerate for at least half a day. You can decorate it with grated chocolate :-)