Monday, 25 July 2011

Prvni prazdninovy den/ First day of the summer holidays

.. me deti stravili rvackou, rev bylo slyset az pred barak. Ja se snazila vymalovat druhy pokoj (rvali se o stetce, proste uplne o vsechno), takze takhle to dal nejde! Chtela jsem mit pokoje vymalovane, nez o vikendu budeme delat podlahy. Neda se nic delat, ale proste podlahy budou drive, nez steny. Zitra mam naplanovan piknik u reky a malovani v prirode. Ve stredu vyrazime na vstupni prohlidku k novemu doktorovi (Eliska se odmita vycurat do zkumavky)a pak budeme cekat na vodomer. No a co dal... jake mate plany vy? pristi tyden prijedou navstevy (nastesti) a v knihovne maji kreativni den. No a pak vyrazime na 14 kempovat do Francie..
Jinak vikend byl moc pekny, v nedeli tu byla tchyne a byli jsme na ture a uz i Alfie uslapal 10km :-)

... my children spent fighting. I was trying to paint the other (Alfie's) bedroom and they kept fighting over the brushes, anything really... So enough is enough. I wanted to have their bedrooms decorated before we sand the floors at the weekend, but I guess that I will have to decorate the walls some other time before I lose my sanity. I have planned a picnic by the river tomorrow and we will take the water colours with us. On Wednesday we need to travel to the neighboring village to register at the doctors and then wait for the water meter. Next week we are expecting my dear friend Julia and there is also a creative afternoon at the library and then two weeks in France... and what are you up to?
We had a lovely weekend - my mother-in-law was here and we went on a long walk. Alfie can walk about 10km now, which is great :-)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

First walk by the river/ Prvni prochazka u reky

O tomto vikendu jsme se konecne dostali ven. Je tu ted zima a prsi a porad je tu co delat... Zda se, ze leto jsme meli na Velikonoce... Deti uz konecne v patek konci ve skole, tak se s Eliskou tesime, jak budeme sit a odpocivat (teda ja moc ne, je tu tolik prace, vsak to znate). Dneska jsem nasla skolku pro Alfieho. Je to ve vedlejsi vesnici, takze si jdu v sobotu koupit kolo. Ja uz se tak tesim, cekam na kolo uz dlouho :-)

This weekens we finally managed to get out of the house. The weather is not great at the moment plus all the DIY.. Seems like we had summer at Easter. The school finishes on Friday so Eliska and I are looking forward to crafting and relaxing (mind you, I'll probably do no such thing, with so much to do here in the house). I also found a pre-school for Alfie. It is in the next village so before I get the car I'm getting a bike on Saturday, hurrah!! I have been wanting to get a bike for ages!!!!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Poslusne hlasim, ze jsem opet zde - I'm back

It has been a very stressful two weeks. Not sure where to begin... the actual move went quite well - for once we actually paid someone to move it for us and I can say that it has been money 'well' spent. Eliska has settled well into her new school and really likes it there, which is a huge relief to us. Daniel and I are totally exhausted.... have been without a fridge, cooker, d/w and w/machine for about a week and it is all sorted now. And we now also have internet connection, pheeeeew :-D
There is actually more work (decorating wise) than we thought.
I went out last week with the 'new' school mums, as there was a fundraising event for the school and I have sorted out a gas man, an electrician and ABOVE all a driving instructor for myself. So really happy :-)

Byly to velmi stresujuci 2 tydny. Ani nevim, cim zacit. Samotne stehovani probehlo v klidu, tentokrate jsme si zaplatili firmu a musim rict, ze to opravdu 'stalo' za to. Elisce se v nove skole moc libi, a nam rodicum se velmi ulevilo. Ja s Danielem jsme totalne vycerpani... byli jsme tyden bez lednice, sporaku, mycky a pracky, ale uz je vse zapojene a fungujici. A mame i pripojeni k internetu, huraaaa :-)
Co jsme necekali, je to, ze je tu vic prace na baraku.
Minuly tyden se tu poradal vecirek na podporu zdejsi skoly a nasla jsem nam tam plynare, elekrikare a HLAVNE pro sebe instruktorku z autoskoly. Takze spokojenost :-)