Our sewing group had a premiere during the jubilee celebrations. We meet once a week and while we talk we sew :-) Unfortunately I din't manage to take better photos (and Daniel forgot to bring his camera)... hopefully next time!
Nase sici skupina mela pri oslavach jubilea premieru. Schazime se jednou za tyden a pri svitoreni sijeme a tak uz bylo zacatkem cervna co prodavat. Bohuzel se mi nepovedlo moc fotit, nebylo totiz kdy a i pres moje mnohe pripominani si muz zapomnel fotak doma. Ale zase misto fotaku privedl psa a tak musel hned domu, protoze Hazel tam zlobila. Takze pouceni pro priste? Prinesu si svuj fotak a prijdeme tam hodne s predstihem, abych si to stacila nacancat a vyfotit :-D